Adoptive Parents vs. Tribal Rights (New York Times)

In response to the Supreme Court’s recent decision to hear Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, the New York Times recently featured this discussion of ICWA in its Room for Debate opinion pages.

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Should the adoption of American Indian children receive special consideration, or is it too focused on race? Kevin Noble Maillard, a professor of law at Syracuse University and a member of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, organized this discussion.

Split the Baby With an Open Adoption
Kevin Noble Maillard, law professor and author

Deciding Who Is an American Indian
Solangel Maldonado, Seton Hall Law School

Invoking Tribal Ties Isn’t Justified in This Case
Joan Hollinger, author, “Adoption Law and Practice”

What’s Best for the Child
Megan Lindsey, National Council For Adoption

The Law Provides Needed Protection
Terry Cross, National Indian Child Welfare Association

This Case Is Not About Race
Matthew L.M. Fletcher, Indigenous Law and Policy Center

Veronica’s Case Is an Anomaly
Marcia Zug, University of South Carolina School of Law