Child Care Administrative Data Analysis Grants (Application Deadline: 6/24/2013)

These cooperative agreements would fund research and evaluation activities that primarily involve the analysis of child care administrative data….. Results from this research are expected to add to our knowledge about the efficacy of child care subsidy policies and quality improvement initiatives in supporting employment and self-sufficiency outcomes for parents, increasing access by low-income families to high quality programs, and promoting positive learning and school readiness outcomes for children. Projects are also expected to inform the field at large regarding administrative data analysis. As such, grantees will be expected to participate in a network of child care administrative data analysis grantees, meeting annually and communicating regularly to share lessons learned, identify opportunities for collaborative analyses, and develop collective expertise and resources to be shared with the field at large.

Letter of Intent Date: 06/10/2013

Application Due Date: 06/24/2013

Learn more at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website.